Caulking Services in Plainfield, IL

Leaks in buildings can cause major damage and become very costly problems of the building owner. Caulking prevents water from penetrating through cracks in window joints and expansion joints. Weathering of the existing caulk can cause it to become brittle and recede, allowing water to penetrate the joint.

Removal of the old caulking sealant and installation of backer rod is necessary. Urethane and silicone sealants are available in many types and colors. At A-Advantage Masonry, we recommend NP100 or NP150 which is a new hybrid elastomeric sealant. It is a fast curing and non-staining formula with 50% movement.

Give A-Advantage masonry a call and we would be happy to give you a prompt estimate and a personal consultation.

Caulking Removal & Replacement

Pre-Cast Concrete Caulking

Garage Deck Caulking

Windows & Doors

Expansion Joint Caulking

Pool Deck Caulking